scenic needs 1!

scenic is searching two more members to complete their line-up: We still need a rifle

image: nl lotus (medic/engi-smg)
image: nl maanj (medic/fops)
image: nl prego (medic)
image: nl sCyle (medic)
image: mt reKy (allrounder)

We expect you to be:
- skilled (around med/+)
- non-whiner
- active

We offer:
- TS/(Ventrilo coming soon!)
- server
- IRC (

Let the flame begin!
around med/+)

mmm and who are you guys?
saw mr.scyle on cybergames or smth, he sucked like hell.
lets make a post every ec match randoms looking?

get scenicmovies as sponsor btw.
hello there
The who?
med+ unknown , tjokai
ask sce @ qnet
nice med+, think you mean low/low+ but GL anyways
Quotescenic is searching two more members to complete their line-up: We still need a rifle

You need 2, but you need rifle.
I can be rifle or smg-engi but I'm med- and you guys are so l33t that I won't even request a tryout :'<
maan is low+ , cheater and kankerfag
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