Cr0ss Med/Rifle Cless
Skill: medic: low+/med-
rifle: med
In-game names: Cr0ss,LoveFist and /|bnormal
Ex-clans:Pstarz prac, Digital, UKB
Avi: mostly in the weekend, but also during the workdays but not untill late in the night.
I don't want a NEW team or a fun team. Want to play seriously!
Contact: xfire: crossertje or pm me here
I have vent and ts.
random pic:
rifle: med
In-game names: Cr0ss,LoveFist and /|bnormal
Ex-clans:Pstarz prac, Digital, UKB
Avi: mostly in the weekend, but also during the workdays but not untill late in the night.
I don't want a NEW team or a fun team. Want to play seriously!
Contact: xfire: crossertje or pm me here
I have vent and ts.
random pic:
en btw ik heb hier uber kut tbord met van die flaptop toetsen sla telkens iop 3 knoppen ofsow
Glow-cross a.k.a p!ratesmAtias
btw nice editing skills
my careOmeter
btw we gaan all3 gebanned worden ofsow als ze dit topic zien :P
so what