
Actually I posted this to the previous thread, but I guess no one reads old threads. So check and give your opinion.

Well take a look to Heinzi demo.


Check carefully their attack at SD2 12.50 they are in the tunnel. He tracks me or one of my teammates through wall. There was 3 walls behind of me and him, he thought I will enter to the tunnel to get him, but I went upstairs instead, but I guess 3 walls could confuse a lot. After he understood his mistake(shooting to the wall) he tries to take the crosshair down and shoots whole magazin to the ground to make it look like a mouse problem. After he kills himself mouse problems are gone ? Also at 7.52 he tracks thunder through walls. He couldn't possible know that he went upstairs. I double checked my demos and he wasn't upstairs before. Even I wasn't aware of him being upstairs, as I prefer to be downstairs before side walls aren't blown up. So there was no way that any of his nice team mates could tell about it to track him through the wall. So I would like to receive your comments after watching his demo. Also there were some funny shooting by him one example is 12.15 during their defence, I would say it is quite hard to shoot like this(spam) if you don't if he will come up from that place or not. Of course if you know where the enemy is behind the wall you could spam like this, but seeing how lowskilled shooter he is I would doubt about this.
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