Still believe in ET xD

After some players left and some are rly inactive #only-1 is in need of some nice active players.

We dont expect too much , just :
- be here @ train 3 days a week (friday and Saturday ofc no train we have rl)
-have a real med+ skill ( should be rly hard to find in these days, we know )

We can offer:
-3 private server
-ts2 server
-hompage(is in construction)


If u are interested just leave a message here or contact o1`Lexus @#only-1

Thx for reading be optimist and believe in ET :)
gL lexus <3
sylur is weird
Ja Kuusankoski on kuraa x'D
No, kyl se vie kouvolan, mut myllykoski > muut tbh.
gl lexus gangbanger :D
oh leans yawn looks very clean.
Playing with such a retards like LeAn ruins the community...jerk. :--D
I don't get it, why do you flame killerboy if he's doing some usefull work for this community? :D

There should be no mercy with hackers.
I was like wtf what train.. thought that you're going to travel somewhere :DDD
screenie or it never happend!!
its not him lean is living in Germany thats spoofed from Amerika
maybe you say that because YOU ARE Lean?
<3 you peeps
parra med+ ofc
what is ET? and what is a ts2 server? :S:S
med+ , oki unknowns
you disloyal, fool-ass, bitch-made punk
why the fuck is everyone searching med+ and not med- ? xD

omfg i need a clan :X
just apply to med+ clans everybody is med+ these days
dont know if he had cheated but now im almost sure is clean. lean :*
gl guys, very nice guys gogogo :P
Real med+ using ts2...
med+ , oki unknowns
hmm, im med.. and i pwnd u everytime :P
real mid+?
Du ska ju inte säga nåt, har du kollat upp ditt eget yawN?..
Ja, og de røde trianglene blir fjernet snart.
Bannen er fjernet fra, og snart fra Yawn, siden det var bug.

In ya face.
men trooooooligt
After seeing his yawn u still think he is clean? U must be a fucking cheater yourself..
infernal low+ max
gl lowbies..infernal :D
lol infernal :DD

Well there is only 1 clean clan left in the whole community and that is us in a2id...
lean is never med+ xD
flame pls more

je schreeuwt als een bitch flikker op kk hoer
Haarlem zuid-oost
oh come on, med+ , you are kidding yourself. Ask spirea and his friends for a war. Let's see if you are med+ ...
rofl med+
pls let them come iam not scared bitches

Lexy style imo
LOL infernal med+ sure nigga PLS
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