jeffk - if anyone is interested.

So I played a 2on2 official vs some not really nice guys like 10 mins ago and I'm quite sure 1 of them was using hacks.
We beat them and then uberwhine started, whined too much, knew too much, was too good in a few situations.

I saw they had 2 conflicts in the ladder already so I thought ill make this topic so anyone who has time can make an avi out of these demos.
They already accepted the results and the only reason im doing this is so people wouldn't play vs them anymore because its annoying and not fun and imo the ET community should get rid of tards like this.

theres the link to the demos, supply is funny with wolfcam imo.

after the match -

(17:50:48) (jeffk_) i m movie maker
(17:50:49) (jeffk_) if u need
(17:51:07) (gG`CLAIMAXz) why would I need a movie maker?
(17:51:19) (jeffk_) " to bust me "
(17:51:24) (gG`CLAIMAXz) lol
(17:51:25) (gG`CLAIMAXz) i dont care
(17:51:28) (jeffk_) OFF CoRuSE
(17:51:28) (gG`CLAIMAXz) just accept the score
(17:51:35) (gG`CLAIMAXz) i entered the score
(17:51:36) (gG`CLAIMAXz) accept it
(17:51:39) (jeffk_) ok
(17:51:49) (jeffk_) but
(17:51:52) (jeffk_) haxx of
(17:51:53) (jeffk_) newxt time
(17:51:56) (gG`CLAIMAXz) we dont hack
(17:52:01) (gG`CLAIMAXz) cu@cdc4
(17:53:03) (gG`CLAIMAXz) #glitz
(17:53:23) (jeffk_) not realle
(17:53:27) (jeffk_) #EDiT plz
(17:53:28) (jeffk_) :X
(17:53:33) (jeffk_) i m lio and mesq movie maker
(17:53:33) (jeffk_) :X
(17:53:34) (jeffk_) stp so
(17:54:25) —› join: (jeffk_:#glitz) ([email protected])
(17:54:35) (jeffk_) btw
(17:54:40) (jeffk_) are u recruiting back up ?.
(17:54:43) (jeffk_) for wxeek end
(17:54:48) (jeffk_) (i m cheater OFc)

#glitz for love.
n1 english :X
thought same but np
It's true you talk better, with your flood like "nice" or "ban plz" or again "thought but np" if np ta gueule plz !
show me a comment where I said " ban plz " or " nice " in a journal / forum .

ta gueule plz
well sorry for not being mr grammar.
stay lolercoaster irc quotes .
(17:50:48) (jeffk_) i m movie maker

(17:53:33) (jeffk_) i m lio and mesq movie maker

Can you believe it? I can't.
You seem to see cheaters everywhere... this guy doesn't cheat :)
well if he doesen't cheat then atleast people know he is a shit opponent.
and where have I seen a cheater lately?
Everywhere, nearly everytime I see your nick you're whining about cheats.
I would like an example, its just random flame atm.
OLD and he dont cheat just "public tester"
loled irl
haha uberwhine, you have done plenty of that in the past!
not in this manner btw and I bet I had my reasons when doing so, if no then soz.
its a reason when u live in uk.
You were lagging not me! beisdes uk=win
imo selfbust
Me and my "norweign" played him too, in a 2on2 we were quite sure he cheats :p
no avi = no care
Waste of time, jeffk biggest whiner in et imo. :D
jeffk owns! :-)
salut mesq §
jeffk already busted in the french community
osef peon
" ," J'ai rigolé.
so why is he playing in clanbase?
hmm hes to far down the to be banned list atm 200 done 200 to go
im clean++!
c'est que la busted biatch a du repondant !

mais c'est plus très tendance de se faire choper sur ET maintenant,va sur quakewars dld un bot et tu connais la suite.
c'est ça le rebeuh du lycée mecton .
Cheater is a cheater, so stop making things up. Fucking idiot
I played offi vs them, I knew they hack but not prove. we lost 100 points NP
ban him...and fast
(like his omg and hello in the demo)
Ban...cheater is cheater...public or clanwar...WHAYNE huso
he should continue moviemaking without ET imo

et tg peon pour voir?
la parcontre c'était marrant :D
c'est toi peon ouai
Glitz big cheater busters! today also!

french retards, what did you expect from them ?
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