leito still cless

skill: med+ (ET)
old teams in my profile
age: 17
playing et 2/3 years
language: french / english
can play medic / engi+smg / rifle
u can pm me on crossfire & on irc #et.be
GL leito :*
GL leito. player very good =D
plz take otherwise hes going to keep on spaming irc =[

gl nice players take him !
rly nice player, take him!
he really is med+, along with his neighbour, they went from low+ to med+ the very same day.

but what am i saying, sorry i m being jalous again, there is nothing unusual in getting holy skill in one very night...
ah ouais quand même
oh cmon.. he just played all night long! thats why he improved soo fast.

weird player.. i wouldnt be surprised if leito gets busted soon.
faroe islands
Je comprend vraiment pas comment tu peut te dire med+ en étant une aussi grosse merde (du moin j'ai leave ET en juillet/aout et tu était low voir low+) donc je dit soit skillfake , wannabe ou hax. mais gl quand meme :)
hax, et puis tu as toujours été beaucoup plus nul que moi, pour exemple ta movie de bs le montre bien alors avant de parler regarde un peu ton propre skill merci bien.
bs > legshoot , kbye.
oh non pas toi !
GL leito :>

coucou rqmbo !
go play cod4 emo! xD
gl , skilled guy
I priitty much doubt leito haxes : <
very nice player with sexy voice
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