xyl searching

hi there

to make things clear right at the start i must admit that i didnt play et in any team since k@ozz folded which should have been about 6-7 months ago.
since school is not that stressing anymore right now (mostly revisions of the old stuff :P ) i decided to start playing again. only competitive experience i had in the last days was a mix with kris/leon/rapt6rr and some others which was like playing public against low skilled teams :D, <3 to u guys anyway :>

im looking for some stable team for 6v6 / 3v3 of around opencup premier skill

teams i played in: faded; veXo (the first one); k@ozz

i absolutely prefer english speaking teams cause im used to giving infos on comms in english :p

nationality is german, i speak german + quite fluent english.

age is 17, getting 18 in november

flame or dont i wont care :p
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