need team ! :)

my name is fimpen, age= 17, belgium and I'm kinda looking for a decent and experienced team. I prefer a team who is playing cup atm if not np.

what I'm looking for is: a well balanced team(good teamwork), skills, kind,..
what you get: teamplayer, plenty of comms, and good aiming, not serious (can have a laugh).
My ex-clans are inFlux!, versuz, gnetics, bahurwa, ballistiK.
I prefer fops(good arti), medic is also ok and my skill is around med/med+

I can be active whole weekdays if you tell me when etc.

contact me in #gnetics gnet`fimpen

luck fun
filmpjen is najzer
Gl nice player take :)
name in influx ?
Goodluck m8 !
gl fimpen :D... nice player nice aim . :)
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