linuxhelp needed

Okay so I fucked up my harddrive by making a 101gb space for linux and 35gb space for windows even though I was going to do it the other way around. Anyways, thats not the problem, the prob is that I cant paste my autoexec.cfg into my etmainfolder in linux,how come and how can I fix it?

put it on a disk or w/e

hidden folder kkeke
its in .etwolf
use gparted (on the livecd) to repartition your disks (DAAAAAA!!! pallonaab)
You have to be root to paste your config.
If you're using Ubuntu (and maybe debian too?), open terminal and write:
sudo nautilus

Now you can browse as root, and also paste your config to your etmain.

And I'm as courious every time, why did you suddenly switch to linux?
Nothing to do with undetected bot (clean pbss and stuff), I guess? =p
what? u mean only for /usr/local/games?
but this can be used maybe only for paste maps to etmain folder...
if u start et as normal user et create ./etwolf folder in your home directory.. u haven't to be root to paste your config ,

btw u can paste to this folder everything cfgs,maps,etc.. no problem et on startup search this folder and installed folder.

EASY. only one-time u must be a root for install et and this way can be bypassed 2.
Oh, funny.
Since cg_tracerwidth is one of the kicks you can get if you use ETH when you haven't updated PB on both ET-folders in linux...
update both the ET-folder, and the hidden .etwolf or smth
I don't remember.. Ask #nixcoders
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