Cod4: active lean, crosshair,r_multigpu and LOL

i dont want to waste of ur time so i’ve the 3 questions one time XD:

first: how can i set activate key+lean ?

secund: does anyone know how can i change this shit crosshair for red dot or another?
is it smth from this?
seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1"
seta cg_crosshairAlphaMin "0.5"
seta cg_crosshairDynamic "0"
seta cg_crosshairEnemyColor "1"
seta cg_cursorHints "4"

last: i’m user of dual core (e6600).The question is what does „r_multigpu” mean?, it seems to me that i should use it when i’ve 2 graphic cards like SLI for nvidia but i’m not sure.

Off topic: England vs. CroAtia 2:3 ahahaahahhaahahahhahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHLOOLOLLOSOSALOLOLOOLLOOOLOL…/cut

It'll do you good England vs CroAtia << click!
theres no way to change the crosshair , everyone has the same
so bad it's rly hard to aim or maybe i'm so tard XD
Just need to get used to it then its fine

plus get yourself xp and get a red dot crosshair
i tried to use a "custom croshair v2" but it doesnt work @ cod4:[
look seriously

just get a pink highlight pen and make dot on screen k? it rubs off
External crosshairs counts as cheat, but you are fully allowed to mess with your screen, like mark pen or glue and paper or whatever.

r_gpu(graphic processing units) #(numbers graphic card where 1 is 2 and 0 is 1)
LOL @ highlight pen, why i didnt hit upon the idea of doing it before :[
Not many use it though, because after a little while you learn where to aim and in a game like CoD the spread is extreme when you move and the crosshair dissappear.
ut is hard :p , just play and you'll hopefully get used to it x]
dl reddot.exe
9d2742322a57dd9b263a5f5cc2639250 "-=[PC-EF]=-Surge<UK>" "" MD5TOOL #9002 (RedDot.exe) [PsB:4146 V00334185]

what do u think abouth it :[
Couse of that program i got kicked in CoD2. reason: Multihack ;D

btw, why the hell should a game have no crosshair?! thats the dumbest thing i ever seen. Players with TFT and CRT monitors got the normal crosshair. And peoplo with a cathode ray tube monitor glue a dot into the middle. WTF?! thats not fair imo >:(
you'll get used to it and eventually wont even need a xhair!
but its a little bit better to have one. Couse if u aim 1 mm away from it u wont know it and flame why the enemy is so fucking unhit :s
been playing cod since it came out and you're the first one not to flame the cod crosshair!
i agree with you my friend!
busted call for bulldog XD anyway scorch it's rly unfair for players with rly good aim cos they cant hit to head properly
it's not fucking CROTIA, it's CROATIA
done thx anyway XD
cod has no activate+lean, it's not possible to change the xhair, r_multigpu is as it says for your graphic card (Graphics Processing Unit) so unless you have a card using two or more GPU or a SLI system, this cmd is not much of your buisness
ok THX, but maybe u know what're the best settings for:?
seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1"
seta cg_crosshairAlphaMin "0.5"
seta cg_crosshairDynamic "0"
seta cg_crosshairEnemyColor "1"
seta cg_cursorHints "4"

i mean what's setting makes my corsshair more steady? ( when i run or not)
cod is not about your xhair, it's about the iron sight and the knowledge of your screen's center. I also tried many xhair's cvars days ago and none of them changed anything actually
T'a acheté le jeu ou tu joue sur serv crackés?
cracked, au final je vais surment le prendre le mois prochain
je l'ai en cracked aussi mais j'attend une new carte graphique pour l'acheter
no +lean in cod // impossible to change crosshair (considered cheating if you do) // r_multigpu = for SLI system
thx so, is any command for core 2 duo? ps. ur config is so fukin owned / 125 fps all the time
no dual core option, the game automatically supports it if you have a dual core
Have fun with your default configs
i'm new @ cod but the config was the first thing what i've done :p
sry for question but are u gay?
LOL DUDE sorry that i'm disappointed you but NOT, maybe u like this funny pic in my profil XD
seems to be a great game!
i tried to code some active + lean @ cod2 but while ther is no +vstr there is no chance to do this

but I got so e nade script to pull nade with nade button and throw with mouse1 :)
so every left-handed players (like me) should blame this game XD
xD Mouse[yourATTACKbutton]
Hey can u guys tell me where i put that configs pls ? :/
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