some cdc4 information

could someone give me some more cdc4 information, and prices?
information: it's an upcoming LAN event
information : Chicks with Dicks Complication 4
avi : your nearest smutshop ( next to the rubber fuckmyface )
hahaha get tae fuck ya bawbag!

i wrote that 1st time but it was too close to last post so had to do it again :@

chicks with dicks 4 complication compilation ;)
i heard if you are ready with playing, you may unplug your PC and take it with you
best pricefightmixxedteamtournament in ET!
Who cares about some nerd crap!
image: 1bf3e446c06445f1782990ae6020a
lots of retards in scene ?
it's in Enschede: <
I had hoped to make an announcement this week, It got held up on an issue with the date.

It is in Enschede, ET, QW, CoD4 and WSW are the other pieces of information that are already public.

As soon as the final glitches are solved an initial prizepurse will be announced along with dates and opening signups. It could be today it could be tommorow it could be next week.
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