Kamz - Do u have rifle kills?

Ok so Kamz is looking for SKILLED rifle frags vs known clans for his next movie.
He prefer known and skilled guys, but if you have nice frags vs good clans he can make some exceptions.
4/5+ frags are preferred.

So query him @ #most-hated at quakenet or add him on msn [email protected]

He already got frags from some skilled rifles

You can see his work at http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=441
brb, deja vu
aCozZ haZer Tiigeri
4/5 with one riflenade or with more shots?
with more, but more than 4/5
i could give u a 5 man rifle vs o6 from krein, and a 3 man rifel where he is shooting the rifle @ supply Allies form first spawn and shooting du backspawn @ axis :XD
give them to kamz add him on msn. check the post.
i got 2x two guys with rifle and after that 3 dynakill on braun

but i think u should ask the skilled ppl direct ..

mama , acozz , hazer , etc
i have a 6 man kill from FF
I have 5-men dynakill, good enough?
without teammates?
Indeed, without teammates. 5 enemy players.
ask Croatia Komar ;b
ask die deutschen powerhäuser h4zer/huZora
is kamz banned or smthn?
i has 2 good rifle frags vs known guys D:
rifle is so lameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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