#gD blue looking for players

Game division blue squad is looking for players

We want:
-> Around med skilled. (np if higher ;d)
-> 16+ non-whiner.
-> Clean yawn at least 3months old.
-> Must be able to talk understandable english.
-> Active and dedicated!
-> Teamplayer ofc!

We offer:
-> Around med-/med skilled team currently.
-> Have vent server.
-> Have gaming server.
-> Nice guys with good behave. :o)

After Frauwe stepback from leading blue squad and unactivity problems were kinda short of players.

-> Pm @ cf.
-> Irc @ #gD
-> Xfire @ shaakal1
-> Web @ http://gamedivision.be.tt/

Pick me pick me!
gl teammates :)
gl guys
Clean yawn at least 3months old....lol

try harder..
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