cdc4 team for Doupdanny

hello, most of you might wonder didn't I quit. Yes I did, and I'm here because I heard about cdc4 is announced. I couldn't go to cdc3 due to my moneyproblems and disallowance from my mother. Now, I have them both and I want to see all the faces that I was suppose to see on cdc3, and did not. Not that I made a comeback or so 8) I'm looking a team to ET for CDC4.

Info's about me: I am 14 years old image: fie half finnish half irish nice and friendly boy, living in Finland. I know I'm not exactly the oldest guy that you can find to play, but I can ensure you that I act mature and I dont whine. Neither I am a cheater. I am able to pay my trip myself, but lansupport would always be great. I can play against players and clans that play Enemy Territory on a high level. I would mostly like to play medic and smg engi/fops. For me, the skill of the clan doesn't really matter, im going there to have fun and I am not looking forward to win the tournament, but I am always ready to practice to go as far as possible. 8)

So, if you are interested, pm danii @ qnet or pm me here in crossfire.


sincerely, Daniel "danii AKA Doupdanny" S.
Nice flag! Good luck and watch out demon alcohol&drugs

Liar! You are cheater, just like Allu.
uus lippu ihan sua varten :) gl!
many good lucks from us
schizo?! :D
what? where? why?
Quotemany good lucks from us
What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a serious and challenging medical illness, an illness that affects well over 2 million American adults, which is about 1 percent of the population age 18 and older. Although it is often feared and misunderstood, schizophrenia is a treatable medical condition.

Schizophrenia often interferes with a person's ability to think clearly, to distinguish reality from fantasy, to manage emotions, make decisions, and relate to others. The first signs of schizophrenia typically emerge in the teenage years or early twenties, often later for females. Most people with schizophrenia contend with the illness chronically or episodically throughout their lives, and are often stigmatized by lack of public understanding about the disease. Schizophrenia is not caused by bad parenting or personal weakness. A person with schizophrenia does not have a "split personality," and almost all people with schizophrenia are not dangerous or violent towards others while they are receiving treatment. The World Health Organization has identified schizophrenia as one of the ten most debilitating diseases affecting human beings.
Your english is quite ok for 14years old guy ;b
Neither I am a cheater.

that sentence fails
saanko danii kysyä että mitä muuta aiot siä tehdä kun pelata ET:tä.. vai joko sää oot oppinu kaikki pahat tavat??
on se oppinu vaikka oon yrittäny estää
welcome back
Stop laming the Irish.
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