ag0n & ReZoN

(c) ag0n

Me and ReZoN are searching for a stable and skilled clan.ReZoN is going for AnonymousCDC4, but i am not coz i dont have $.We are from Slovenia Slovenia and Portugal Portugal.


What we want :

-> active 6on6 team
-> skilled team (oc 1st clan
-> mature people
-> stable (or a new team with non clan hopers)
-> active in cups


image: rezon

-> From Slovenia
-> 17 years old.
-> student (from 7.00 to 14.00 all days)
-> active (all days).
-> can play from 18cet to 23.30 cet .
-> His playing et for 4 years
-> He can play medic/fop. I have been playing as field lately.
-> can speak Slovenia Slovenian; Oman Engrish and a litle bit of Croatia.
-> His not at 100% of my performance since he haven't been playing in a 6on6 clan for like 3 months.
-> Going for Anonymous CDC4 ( able to pay )
-> Not a clanhoper.
-> played for Slovenia Slovenia cold
Slovenia immoo
Slovenia carniee
Slovenia vektor
Slovenia ReZoN
Slovenia optimal
Slovenia snAil
Slovenia Meth
England England nevari
England confo
Netherlands Azatej
England ReZoN
Netherlands mize
Finland Jacker
England hentai
Netherlands Leonneke
Germany Germany hAse
Germany binBASH
Slovenia ReZoN
Finland RauZki
Germany tropfn
Austria laguNa
; Finland Finland Nubiks
Finland Jacker
Finland Slyfox
Portugal ag0n
Slovenia ReZoN
Netherlands WuKaS
Germany Frk187
Finland iratou
and Slovenia Slovenia ReZoN
Slovenia Meth
Slovenia vektor
Slovenia immoo
Slovenia carniee
Slovenia m1ke

image: agon

-> from Portugal
-> 19 years old.
-> student (Uni from 8.15 to 13, all days except sunday)
-> active (all days, only at night)
-> can play from 18/19cet to 23.30 cet (my dinner time is:22 cet to 22.15 cet all days).I dont play at saturday night.
-> I can play all class. I have been playing as medic/field/eng lately, but i can also play rifle if needed (played +1year rifle.. just have to practise a bit)
-> can speak Portugal Portuguese; Oman Engrish and a litle bit of Europe english.
-> Im not at 100% of my performance since i haven't been playing 6o6 since ec qualifier.
-> Not a clanhoper
-> played for Portugal Anonymous kMt
Portugal ag0n`
Portugal QkR
Portugal Setup
Portugal mno`
Portugal d0g
Anonymous koto
Anonymous IuR
Anonymous sexyhot
Portugal Chute
Portugal Atilla
Portugal jet
Portugal Portugal ag0n`
Portugal QkR
Portugal KbL
Portugal Setup
Portugal mno`
Portugal aRTo
Portugal d0g
Portugal Portugalag0n`
Portugal QkR
Portugal sexclick
Portugal Setup
Portugal mno`
Portugal blade
Portugal d0g
; Finland Finland Nubiks
Finland Jacker
Finland Slyfox
Portugal ag0n
Slovenia ReZoN
Netherlands WuKaS
Finland iratou
and Portugal Portugal ag0n
Portugal QkR
Portugal archy
Portugal d0g
Portugal jet
Portugal sexclick


Portugal ag0n - #WebArtDesign , and u can also add me at msn [email protected]
Slovenia ReZoN - #WebArtDesign , and u can also add him at msn [email protected]
gl guys ;) need few small edits on this post btw ;)
GL . Ducks forever
GL mr. Moviecfg screens pl0x!
i also do some test clips! :D
:DDDDD sry forgot about that!=( shame on me :( :(


Good luck :) !
Gl for us. Eventhough its rly hard to get a decent clan nowadays :\

thx all *
Why dont you make one then?
im not a good clanleader :<
gl agiii :DDD <3
gl ag0n :)
gl rezon
gl ag0n / rezon btw form a team and play we need some skilled enemys
agon: nice gay take him !!
agon: nice gay take him !!

rezon: ... dont take him

= rezon is a fucking invoke 2 user gaga ;)
nice players, GL !
I hope you find a nice and decent team ag0nhot and ReZoN <3
ReZoN pravi:

say tnx to axel <3

gl rezon. <3
sick i've got both on msn
damn you are good !
nice banners
sick skills at Adobe photoshop !
gl Mr. "i-disturb-vaGgi-when-he's-busy-with-moviemaking"
imo you just spend more time rubbing my back than moviemaking :<
<3 i did it on purpose xD just wanted to spamm u a bit ..:<
GL guys, great players
nice post, gl
gl ag0n. nice player.
GL agon <3
gl rezon , GL agon
pa pizda rezon kaj teb ni jasn, ze decemu si neki nalagu zadnc, zdj se tle pises ene bedarije.. dej zase se brigi, pa zakaj me skos zravn lasekov pises? :o
more bit vsaj en skilled not :>
zato k se jim pol noben ne upa grozit, da jih bojo razbil na lanu
kaj zdej bos reku da nisi reku glede immoo-ta ? glede decema da tud kadit ne zna :(?
gl gayzolas
no hablas español? :(
hablo pois.. but spanish sucks :<
cmon, spanish is easy :)))
learning it since 3 months and already can talk to CiD! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
fuckiNG nic3 rezon hates me but I wish him gl anyway (he thinks I'm a cheater just because I got busted h3h3. I'm really not)
You eat so late :o

I'm "mad" at my mom when we don't eat before 19.30 :DD
gl ag0n, nice player and fiendly take him!!
Boa sorte maricas
gl rezon ;D
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