need a

demo with a good multikill, want to make a little test :)

pmme or simply post the link in here
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
if u want to test, why it must contains multikill?
because its the thing i want to use it for in the end
dont want to make a test with random walking around :(

i'm sure someone has a multikill...
A 6 man knife kill good enough for ya eeeh?

Ask tornis he have been looking demos whole days for months now.
Imo 12 man panzer kill in 6on6 would be better.
Is it not like 5 max? because how would tornis be able to get someone in the enemies team with it?
*6 if you count vaporizing yourself as a kill.
It's probably possible... Kill all enemies and teammates with 1 panzer shot. I would buy someone who has done it a bottle of good vodka. Dunno if tornis is able to do it, but maybe there is someone who is. :P
five teammates + himself on good days. :-D
add me @ msn @ profile @ @ x3mservers @ somewhere on teh internets
for 4 man airstrike pm me. =)
for 4 man panzerkill at bremen pm me :D


Dont mind my lowskilled gameplay for the rest of zhe map

Playing with 20 FPS isnt easy :(
for 5 men dynakill @ braundorf pmme :XD
For 1 man thompson kill pm me!
i have demos !
have a 6 man kill in a 3o3 ^^

and no not my teammates.... if you think that ;)
i got some =] if needed then pmme.
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