tard: Vexi/hene/Load

I played 1v1 against some hax0r called :XD. He shot kinda weird so checked his guid, he had multihack pbban in his old guid.

So I checked ip's from pbbans and serverlog and they matched >>> result haxor busted? :p

Serverlog (IP):
22:15.15 Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.60\cg_uinfo\46 0 100 1\g_password\none\password\wartje1\cl_guid\A960B9C9F16D7D9E250DEA0ADB68E145\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\snaps\20\rate\25000\name\^0:XD\cl_wwwDownload\0\ip\

http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=12&guid=e499edfb (View full ban for ip)
http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=12&guid=d0fee772 (View full ban for ip)
cheater in et, do not belive.
n1 joofje
well doneX
#70475 = ETHook, hasnt that been detected for months
Yep so multihack of eth32... so what? why didnt he got busted with that on your 1o1?
Ye, i think there was pb streaming.. And ETH is detected.. you CANT play in pb streaming servers with ETH :S
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