#tacky recruting 2

tacky2 clan is looking for 2 skilled players to complete the 6o6 lineup.

what we want:
- skillled
- talk in game
- medic or fieldops
- team player
- EuroCup or NationsCup players
- 16+
- Nice clan history
- active 5,6/7 day o week

what we dont want:
- whiner
- aim only
- red yawn
- 2 day old guid

Line up:

United Kingdom tyyrd (ex Team Uk/tacky)
Portugal ag0n (ex 6s/Team Por)
Norway ViZion (ex Team No)
Slovenia ReZoN (ex Team Slo/aD)
Canada anim (ex dtekt/o6)
Europe you?

Europe you?

If you think you're a cool and good take a look and pm ReZoN in #tacky

cheaters dont pm : !
good luck guys

<3 rezon , ag0n
i'm cool
gl again
i'm super cool so.... ill join
ur face is like a pie thats cool :O
take ross
take me !
Gl :)

nice fuckup from wesbo before 30 mins of the end of the signup to qcup

what happened? :'(
? I gave you my pb guid like two days ago so you couldve already signed up, not my fault it takes you ages.
play more 3on3's with me then!
we had time till 21 o clock.. no need to run for a spot...

anyway it was your decision .. gl @mQ
I can come. not EC or NC skilled but good enough
GL tyyrd!
gl anim
good luck guys!
gl stu boi
jas (c) by Meth
aniiiiiiiiiim <3
good luck anim3
gl anim my canadian lover ^^ & ag0n my portugal puta :D
sry..but im 2 med 4 u :)

luck good !!! <3
hf ag0n and gl others
gl ag0n ReZoN
[Mon Dec 3 2007] [20:41:09] <ReZoN> full :(
[Mon Dec 3 2007] [20:41:36] <ReZoN> look line up atm is : tyyrd , ag0n , vizion , anim , rezon , wesbo , maybe sqzz as back up..

wesbo left 1h ago coz he will play qcup with mQ , and sqzz wount join coz he is too inactive , soz
It's a pity, I'm sqzz' fan
gl tyyrd ;)
ANIM <3<3<3

sup with ur bra?
i may be wrong here and it aint a criticism. but has tyyrd actually ever played a nations cup game?
played 2 of em, out of 5 uk games played
hi i play 4 team iceland nd stuff..
I wished to could say the same. :(
ye im laik hi im NC skill0rd can i join nd stuff ? nd they r leik ye d00d ur leik pr0 nd stuff xD
No wesbo ? noWIN!

gl ^^
- skillled

nice having anim in your team then :/
promising as hell :DD
gl tyyrd & anim!
ag0n will just make them win EC
I lol'd a bit about tyyrd
Gl Gl homies..
why always NC or ECskill 8<
so a jamaican NC player is skilled in your opinion, the cups somebody played says shit about skill! (mmf @ EC is med+/high fo sho)
what about 3days old guid? :p
GL guys, <3 tyyrd
i am your backup, i suppose
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