ideal.Gaming looking for nice guys

hi, guys we looking for new good players.
about us: we are a clan and, have 6 pll who are every day online and we try to play many wars and have fun.
we have like 10-12 pll in clan, but some can be only @weekend online.
we have 2 server, ts and website.
we are a international clan and all are > 16 years some are >20 years, so we dont looking for yunger then 16.

we need:

- skills low+/med
- rifler/med/fildops
- nice guy, no whiner
- no cheater or guys with red yawn
- good team player
- actve 4-7 day in week.

we dont need:

- guys with red yawn
- whiner

pm me.

"10-12 ppl in clan"

:S :S :S
Maybe they just play for fun ;)
hmm we had a lot of pll but the most of them dont going to play wars or scrims. so we kickt them and let only the guys who play serius.
and thets why we looking for new guys now ;)

@ daze what do you mean with your post ? what do you mean, how many playes need a clan?
- guys with red yawn

Where is the difference?
why u dont recruit all ppls who are cless :D ? so u got more in ur clan :P?
around 8 active players to be precise :>
cuz we need pll who are trust,good,active,and looking for a clan to stay long there and not only for 2 days.
gl to you m8
take me!!!!!!!

oh noez 16 in 2 month :<
thx, nice to see thet there are some nice guys in et, not only kiddys who talk shit, and flame
try the button called "reply" ;) gl
take me
LRM is good enough with 3 of us imo :ASD
gl to you :)

"we have 2 server, ts and website." can you gimme the url plz?
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