hi junky
do ip check :P
yes, the guy that you stole etpro guid from is hungarian and you are german....interesting
he is cllever because he cxan use socks & proxy
what about your yawn ? not spoofed at all !
lol obvious! ban plz
cheaters busting cheaters

edit: ban =D
ban ban ban!
Nice cfg

wh ftw :<
again? he is busted since ever. He is using etx private bot :XD
it's funny, in this game .avis bust more of punkbuster :)
silentunderscore or the other one?
check the fireteam , viol is playing
nur weil du immer stirbst :XD ?
ich wollte damit nichts andeuten :D
ugly wh!
funny :D:D
peinliches kind
guy from fallen?
"Cheaters always Win Cheat"
will silent get banned again bulldog?
bann plz its too obvious! couldnt be luck, comms or something like that its clearly wh coz i got BUSTED allready with a public hack!
pls ban him. its so obvious that he cheats. i rly dont know why i always played with him
i want to let u and all other guys know that i regret that i have ever played with him
truth hurts, mr.dynamic ip lucker
u still do it so whats the point of the provocation ;/
i was bored :o
omg look who he is playing with, maybe nackjee told him where they were omg lol!

i heard this nackje is one of the lowest etplayers since et was invented :(
ahm fucking unexpected
bust avis are just low.
.....No hax at all...

First thing you dont know what happens 3 seconds before he spawned maybe he saw him jumping to the door.

Second thing is easy maybe if you did sound with it..
first is "normal"

second ... :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lold

btw how did ya made that nice avi? this style looks so nice :D!
Haha, you did spoof an old guid, interesting :D
gd. biggest dickhead in et
saw the avi... nothing to add and not even a surprise... HELLO RANDOM2 AKA WASSERHAN, DONT U CHECK U FAILED....?

A bust won't help anyway, mr.hax2 aka viol aka dynamic ip cause of one nexus accounts his ip found is ofcourse clean and never cheated. He will always stick playing with cheaters (or former cheaters if u have the opinion they might get clean again) such as pepper, alexl and this tard (silent_).
well try to understand him, he's shit and he wants to play with somewhat decent level. same goes for cheaters who wont get accepted to good clans. thats why these scumbags usually find each others.
decem its not hard to beat any of the current highskillers like NOT u :o
did I say otherwise?
btw to claim that im shit is funny. i could play in decent clans if id like to, at least id could in the past. and why the fuck do u whine that i play with silent? cant u just accept that he is a good player? i know him for a rly long time and it was pretty obvious when he cheated with that pub-hack but nowadays he is clean again (check his current demos). and btw u r right its not correct that i play with guys like pepper and so on but did u ever play a 3on3 recently? there are only hackers around ;x so care if i play with them or vs them or both.
this game is fucked up, u, me and everyone here knows it and thats not the fault of ppl like me who play from time to time with cheaters, its the fault of incompetent admins who dont ban ppl who suddenly get highskilled while playing et for 2 weeks. i wished we would have got better admins
well attitude like "who cares if I play with cheaters" is the reason why you keep playing against cheaters.
maybe u dont know that i didnt play with cheaters for a long time but after a while when i saw no one gets banned i started to play with them. now my question is, is it rly my fault that this scene is fucked up? :o
it's the fault of the cheaters, but one of the reasons for them to cheat is the fact that they are let so freely back to the scene even if they would get busted.
ye and thats not my fault. i just play with them cuz no one cares. let me be admin and i try to change smth
viol for the CB ET SUPERVISOR!!
once cheater - always cheater . Pple banned @ CB shouldnt be allowed to play offis any more because majority of them is still cheating ...
templar we dont play offis. we play 3on3s if we got time so wots the point? btw he is clean if u didnt notice
rather whine about ppl like perfo who didnt even admit that they cheat pls
and feres is clean as well i guess
tell me when i played with feres ? :o
not so long ago ... btw i dunno why u whined @ pacman , naga if u play with suchwall-sensitive players like those 2
that guys of u play ec and such things. fer3s never played ec or any important cup
seas violy :P
<< pelii´s bruder
good rivatuning
bah bitte fer3s=ph6xyy und der hack sponsor von allen im viol vent..
dass er freunde bekommt :P
dann busted er siie .. nab!
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