ET: 6th needed!

We need 6th player to (re-)complete our lineup.

What you get:

- No Community shit (known names; bitching aroung trying to be important)
- A stable lineup (friends and a clan since 2004)
- Med (or more) skill; depends on what u call "skill" nowadays (alot more than med) or "real" skill (med or a little better)
- Servers (as many as u want; due to the fact that we r the "professional" part of a huge gaming community with tons of public servers)
- Ts and Vent
- and much more i just dont care thinking of atm

What we expect:
- a good and mature player (no 18+ dumd shit talk! if u r fine, u r just fine!)

Lets just have a tryout...

(Ill prolly repost this 2morrow!)
clan/team name? ^^
rH returns? If yes, I come :D

gl mti <3
cn u plz take mor lttrs awai plz? ur recr pst gve me a gd fiil of ur cln m8!!!
sounds like a mature clan!

rofl, the fuck are you replying on this :D?D
hmm, prolly i just was in a good mood and i liked the style of how it is written! :D
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