stena is looking !

hi iam stena !

Iam searching a clan!

I think the most germans know me as the "public owner" cause i play 6 month without a clan and owns the pubs. Iam cless because i thought i have less time cause of my "abi", but i realized, that i can be good at school without doing anything for it, (maybe because of my superbrain). Iam a med+ skilled player who lieks owning in et.
I play et since the demo came out. my clanhistory is not teh best, cause i had really shitty problems with my internet ( Hansenet ..!.. ). i have much experience, cause i played 1 1/2 years clanwars and now 2 funwars a day with some mixxed players...
I can speak german russian and english, some times i flamed too much, but i think i did it cause i played with some rambos without any plan how to play smart (liek steffan, daniel, die tokio hotel mädelz, wolfi). I prefer to play 3on3 but i liek 6on6 too.

so after telling u my lifehistory, i want to find a clan or a 3on3 team which is med or med+ skilled and exists more than 1 month

my icq nr. 283.277-558
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