In Search For a 6th


Searching 6th maybe a 7th too we will see
Whine all you want as long you have push to talk…
Prefer Dutch player since we have 4 Dutch players.
But don’t hesitate to ask for a trial even if you aren’t Dutch.

You should be:
-> 16+ of age.
-> Should be around med
-> Cheatfree and whinefree.
-> English comms and should talk about ingame alot.
-> Fun to play with.

We offer:
-> Around med- skilled team currently.
-> ts server.
-> gaming server.
-> guys with allot of fun.

-> Pm @ cf.
->Pm @ Xfire: tcmean89 or killandie
Member For: 19 days
And u are so oldschool with ur 4 months .... made me laugh
You rly made me care. :(
u obvious cared that he was a member for 19 days so....
seems like selfownage whine for him :p
so your saying i cant make a topic now becoz im a member for 19 days?
plz gtfo, there is life outside crossfire too, doesnt matter u have to be xfire member since 1800 to be skilled.
Rofl why do ppl care so much about 1 little post.. Plz, everyone does it here all the time.. Stop crying man, it's not like I have anything against him.
gl? nooo badluck! i hate med-:( sorry, cause iam retardet today:(
da zijn die 2.5 spelers 0_0 gl boys
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