2 med players cless


2 brained players(Havoc , Celon) smg ofc. r searchin enemy territory clan.
Skill about med.

Together we have played in a few clans like sadness @ eoLithix, dESIRE, Winfakt and neVerminds. OFC we know english v. well, we have played also in a few eu clans so there is no problem to communicate =]. We r not whining any time!

Got good connection so there is no problem about ping any time.
We can play everyday between 19-22:30 CET.

Thats all ty.

pm me or msg @ #team-desire , #et.mix.
k ;)
gl :D
luul luck good :)
wnb eolitich
gl to both :O
maybe add what classes you can play!
#team-desire to celebrate our defeat :s
gl guys, nice dudes:)
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