cless !?!

Hi, this is my last try for find an ET team : ' (
Atm i'm playing with but they are inactive so i decided to seek an ACTIVE ET team.
Old teams in my profile.
If nobody pm me (because I know, I'm a random, I'm low, etc :p). I will switch on COD4 :)
I'm a NOLIFE and so need a very active team :)
My skill is around med/+ and so i'm seeking a med+ team :) (able to play low->high).
(sorry for my low english ;p)
good luck England leito

grtz RaZiel :-)
ik zou gaan studeren als ik van jou was!
pro playa
take him
gl leito <3
GL LEITO - impossible rifle :D
go play ET:QW not cods4 :P
je te propose un rôle de backup , de vrai backup??? ca t'intéresse? bon tu seras surement là ce soir sur ts donc. à ce soir.Et de toute facon faut que tu prennes du skill a cod4 :s car t affreux :p
GL leito, skilled player
plz take him someone, he's looking for ages already :D
dont go to ET QW OR COD4 take him !!
low- imo :D
far away from med+ though
Leave ET bastard you are a fucking low. "joke inside"
GL my m8 :D
Please all teams want recruit him must be really skilled and active for this fucking nolife
this is so sad..
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