sWat recruiting

After the clan got started in May 2004 with the lineup of Slovenia on3md,Slovenia immoo,Slovenia wiseboy,Slovenia carniee,Slovenia ovca and so on a lot of good and bad things happend to us. Slovenia immoo was soon added to the main lineup making the core of the team with Sloveniaon3md and Sloveniawiseboy. The three of us managed to stay a bit longer than the 2 weeks that was assigned to our clan in the beggining. Players like Croatia moonc4lf Croatia Rebel ,Croatia Komar,Slovenia s7umf Slovenia Hasper,Slovenia alive,Slovenia kappu7nik were also making their mark in the history of the clan.

Now we decided to make comeback and make sWat more powerfull


Slovenia on3md
Slovenia immoo
Slovenia WiseBoy
Slovenia Slajer
Europe ?
Europe ?

What do we need :
+ Must be slovenian/croatians or must understand slo language
+ allround player eng/medic/panzer
+ able to play from sun-thu

+ Contact #sWat.clan
We don't need zero to hero players. Don't bother PMing if you are one of those.

oh noes.. again this nabz :|
u need Slovenia bum tbh!
bumbarasa.. he was awesome @ vent :D
we are playing ruff-rose together with him :)
yeh he is so addicted with that game :D
pls tell him that i said if he can join to #sWat.clan :o)

I have a 1 quetion 4 him
he is dunno where
gl slovenci sWat i iKs su valjda jedini clanove iz Balkana sada.
Anonymous symbols, ex team-vengeance
gl immoo :D
is swat going for cdc4?
gl guys
more powerfull ?
with immoo ?
wont work :PP
gl immoo
gl , hard to find good SLO's ^^
gl DM & WiseBoy
Slovenia regrouping
lol =) good luck =)
im polish and i dont understand slo, so shit:d
gl Slovenia sWat
wajs at comeback!
I love comebacks!
gl on3md!
gl on3md <3
we gl immoo, super optimist ! <3
original name xD
good luck

Slovenia iMMoo !
gl =) on3md <3

gl iMMoo
i've been to Slovenia ! Union > Lasko!

bajdvej, a je wiseboy se tolk ziucn?
Dont need an EU backup? :o

gl wiseboy and immoo
+ Must be slovenian/croatians or must understand slo language

i know, its hard to understand
good luck Sloveniaownators
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