Kuroari @ Cless !!

I'm looking for a clan obviously -.-


Skill: lowmed[/b]high
Age: 22

Gender: Male

Language: Perfect dutch, good english,

Country: Belgium

Clan History: None,

Yawn : Clean as a wissle,

What i want in return[/u]

NO cheaters

NO whining baby's

Decent low+ skill

A clan planning to grow bigger

Motivated players

[center] You can contact me at: [/u][/center]

Email: [email protected]
Msn: [email protected]
IRC: #Crossfire - #et.be
Xfire: saperbrejkz
Take him, goodguy, needs practice, good coms on ts, funny man

gl, finally no "i iz med y0 gimme clan, med+ min"
Its like you and Razzah are seeing which of you can post the most cless/recruitment threads

lol i know i'm low...no clan history, no wars played but i can learn, that's the whole point innit

btw i'm rifle

edit: i can speak polish as well
Belgians can't speak perfect dutch!!!
joke's on you because i'm polish :p
KuRoaRi = AiZen?
loooooooooooooooooool no, AiZen is just someone i met on the cybergames server
Nee jonge, ik maak deze topic voor een vriend van me, Hij kan gewoon nog niet zo goed t opics maken, meer niet :>
lolled again with wissle

and no1 can speak perfect dutch rtard there are so many dialects
het feit dat er zoveel dialecten bestaan betekent niet dat ik geen standaard nederlands kan praten wtf

either way all of this isn't helping very much is it?

anyone interested in teaching me the tricks of the trade don't hesitate to contact me...any clan will do to begin with...

edit: yeah yeah, we all know it's written whistle
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