fuzz & vinyl looking for n1ce team

image: aug77fqrn1e50t4ef

Hai guis

After total failure in OC, Italy n1ce is finally dead (is it?!) so Poland me and possibly United Kingdom vinyl is in need of new ET:QW team.

What can we offer?

- both can play any class you wish! (tho I prefer medic, and vinyl prefers rifle)
- something close to "brain" ingame
- availability for a lot of days during week
- med+ skill (experience playing vs good teams)
- speaking on ventrilo (in case we are busted you can keep playing with us cause we are n1ce guys on ventrilo)
- LAN experience (CDC3), maybe we can go to CDC4 aswell if we get some munis, tho online-only team are also ok
- clan infos in profiles

What you can offer?

- no cheaters (should have clean family history)
- playing on med+ competition level
- already existing team (lol), (new forming teams are ok aswell)

So if you are interested in 1 or 2 players, feel free to drop a PM here to either of us, on our beloved community website.

Remember, we are only up to serious business.


mama fag
n1ce being polish!
gl nice guys
n1ce signed up for CDC4?!
uber n1ce players from da top!
gl !! Fuzzfrags<33
You won't find a clan with your attitude, cya.
- already existing team (lol), (new forming teams are ok aswell)

gl ladies
gl nice post :D
gl guys =)
good luck latvians whores
haha nice to read... gl guys
gl n1ce guys =)
good luck
gl guys:)
luck good :)
serious cat-business.
ask pulZa
You forgot to mention that you can offer astonishing amount of black humour and sarcasm.
gl guys
You are playing ET lets say since its release and u say you are med+. Malczik and some other "from zero to hero new talents" are playin et for 1year or so and they are already "high", so pathetic.

Well, good luck guys.
nice post :')
One of them sounds like borat and other like abbath
n1ce is awesome
dont underestimate yourself on purpose :...
you won ous team finlans so no fail :D
cmon funboy
gl fuzz :)
i saw fuzz his ass or was it vinyll .. cant remember :DDDD anyway GL !
i penetrated both
mr vinyl!
I had a dream last night, that I was drunk
I killed the stranger, and left him in a trunk
in my eyes you're a hunk
i dreaming same all night....ornotadream?:S
keep em coming
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