Mapmakers + like 60 man:D

#fayntic is going to make a HUGE new project, plans have already been made but we would like to see some help:D

What we need:
Some MAPeditors, know about making tank routes, truckflying etc( just a lot:P)
and some editors because it will be more interesting and less work for each and you can learn of each other afterall :)

After the map is finished we will properly be in need of around +/- 60 man
BEFORE YEA SAY YEAAAAAAAAAAAA LET'S HELP, know for sure you are not going to make a 50 man pf or so ( just 49) just keep in mind it's hard to make sure 60 man are doing there job right!*<:)

We hope we will be able to make a nice movie!:D

Planning: we hope the map will be finished end of christmas vacation:D so you will hear about the date and time;)

PM or contact @ irc : #fayntic -> ZaK- and for 5euro you may pm spNk (and ofcourse you may spam SN^on)

Good night BB:)
you forgot to say its gonna be great fun!

(if your willing to sacrafice your medic/engi/cov etc.)
i want to smoke what you smoke
Sounds fun
Also need a concept-art designer? If yes, just contact me ;)
h20xygen once made an ET map while we were in SyKoTiC.
It was a pretty good map so I think he knows alot 'bout it.
The thing I don't know is if he wants to do it again..
pah et is DEAD!

BUT hf with it :) id like to help if i can find smth to help :p
hf creating a 2598025709257892 mb big terrain :<

*Note: im in the mapping scene around for more then 3 years :>
fps haha
60 people map... bwah :D
Make a post when you have done it, will come try it out even though am playing cod4 mainly
FimS @ irc.. pmme if u are ready :)
ASk him as mapbuilder!
hf maybe ill help im pretty nolifish!
sounds cool, gl
sounds nice :P
sounds gay !:)
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