New map

Its time for new quality map, is not it?
If some1 starts this project, I'd be glad if I'd get invited and involved too in the mapdesign. My specialty would be concept art (drawings before the map is actually being made, just to project the atmosphere and architecture on paper), but I can do mapediting too (know how to work with the mapping tools and scripting)
Heck, instead of helping with it... how about you just make it for them? ._.
ok I will release in today
what about h2oxygen's map, any new info about it?
wheres the h2oxygens map, it seemed really nice :))) me wantz it now!
I have a nice idea for a map, but I cant make maps :<
would be nice, need another "skilled" map, bremen was pretty good - but something in the style of goldrush, would be nice.
exactly the kinda h2oxygen showed us here month or 2 ago...
just wonder has he made it completely ready yet.
what happened to the maps from xfire-project?
I released mine but no one bothered to comment on it or make suggestions to enhance it for 6 on 6 SW.
which map was that then?
Battle of Wolken 6,

Download down I think but they were some other mirrors somewhere...
would be cool if there is a new quality scrim map got bored from b4 supply fb adler grush ... :x we want new one ! ^^
ye making some maps for 6v6 wars or 3v3 would excite things up in ET... make public servers more intrestings. But that map "Breman_B2" when ever im having a 6-6 that map isnt very popular.
if you say so...
Just do it?
eh most ppl think "ET is dead" so we need to revive it may be...
et_tanQ.bsp? looking forward to it!
sw_tanq ftw
sw_tanq_te i hope, don't want to drive a tanq for ages :S
damage the tanq :x repair the tanq :x
i prefer trucks like in sw_grush, they don't need any repairing
so u want an immortal tanq! np4me i am already immortal :x
i will build an immortal barrier!
image: kastanje_hekje
bring back OASIS!!!111!1elevensex
lets bring out baserace_b2 :P
idd with whole new basis to make :XD
bring back oasis :)
TC_Base kthx
TC_base or secretweapon, best maps ET has ever seen :)
Because tc_base was from RTCW :<
its too late to create a decent map for et ; )
never ! ET pwns ! ET ftw ! :x
yeh.. then u are dumb :O ...if u like to play every single war versus cheaters
new map with good frames would be nice =)
just add existing maps to the official mappool??
like v2_base:>
there is no need for new competition map in ET -_- ...todays mappool is perfect...

radar, grush, supply, bremen - teamplay based maps
fb, b4 [adler] - lotto maps to give chance to the weaker teams

[OR we could play rtcw maps only! ]
yep they are.. this is the only reason why et is dying so fast..
cheaters are not only the problem :x (dicks,egos,braggers,whiners,kiddies generally the helium voiced ones)
he is totaly right, tbh i never have the feeling alot im playing vs cheaters
I wouldn't mind seeing some maps like el_kef etc being played.. it's a great map. :P

Perhaps, even reintroduce fueldump back in the map pool - > Not my favourite map, but it would be a good team based scrim map, as there is more of a need for a crossfire. And also, tbfh it's better than playing adlernest /fbite/ b4 every war.
heh.. nop dude : ) u understood me wrong.. i will always play et, bcoz i like the game.. and i have never quited a match before the end.. I respect a game.. and everyone else should respect the game..
Noone should start making cheats and others stuff (but ye.. someone is paying fo that shit and someone is rich for that pathetic stuff) which make kids so happy.. thats why every single game die so fast!
There are enough nice maps out there, people need just to be willing to play them...sottevast_b2 and el kef for example are nice maps imo....
Or just revive an rtcw map, rtcw has enough good maps that haven't been really played in ET.

It's kinda up to the cups with their maplists. They should include some new maps imo..
asshole =)
6on6: oasis! (old not sw)
3on3: caen! (old not 2nd)
agree on oasis :p

but 3o3 is fine anyway, noone needs to care about it ^^
k, i accept :D
I like the fueldump final part and battery final part also (base stages). Just beautiful.
let's make a combination of these two -> uber n1 new map!
Drive tank on the beach !
new version of oasis
ET would have been dead already without be imo

(EDiT , mAus , dAv1d, ...)
Too late, there was many mappers including myself that would have been happy to produce a quality map with help of the clan scene but all you do when such a map is being made is bash it before giving it a chance leaving the mapper thinking 'why bother?'
How it was with supply depot? I don't remember, but it seems need some big person support and promotion, like show match, including in new cup, etc.

All possible, at least we play nowdays suply, adler, b4.. Maps that are new.

p.s. About fueldump: I suggest cut a half of map and start match right from allies spawn at CP. Or its too stupid? I'm not expert in timings, balances, etc.

p.s.s. suply depot et must die. never liked this map, too ugly.
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