smg and rnade?

hey, i tryd rnade watch the vids, and its made me a little better :), thanks, but with smg, i have gone plane shit xD was wondering is there any settings or anything i can do that will make me a better smg, Lav0d helped me a lot but there is still heaps that i need to do, was wondering again, lol if anyone can help me out with smging thanks lol :)

SMG has not much special thingys I think but these might help
Fovzooming when shooting
M_pitch lower when shooting
com_maxFPS 125
and skill wouldnt be bad :ASD
m_pitch is overrated
not rly I used to use 0.022 and I liked it a bit and then I saw a journal about it and the most were saying "0.01501" or something like that but I sucked with that m_pitch :( and now I am using 0.018 and I like it!
im using 0.024
find a sensitivity you feel comfortable with, get stable FPS and... PRACTICE!
Just try some stuff that you like, and play with that.. Like sensitivity or something.. Just prac!! :D, Goto BIO there are some good-skilled players
Put settings u like(stable fps), and don't change them anymore, but just try to get accustomed with them...

Track some mg on ctf_multi. Tracking is kinda important ability, because ET is all about that in duels.

Mostly play against better opponents than u are.
I really hope that you're trolling
If you're having trouble with aiming, just lower your sensitivity. You will find points on the maps where you will instinctively realize you've to be facing a certain way and it will change the way you move which is way more important than how you aim.

When you've played smg for some time, gently raise the sensitivity and you'll be more responsive and able to deal with opponents who catch you off guard, or you can be more aggressive as a consequence.

Aiming as such isn't really a skill (it is, but it isn't as important as people believe). You're either gifted or you're not, but just playing a lot can get you up to a pretty high level.
...Or buy a hax?
lol thanks guys, helped alot
its matter of time :O)
RaZiel's guide can imo

edit: aimingbyraz.rar
If you have trouble controlling your spread, try using cg_crosshairpulse or cg_drawspreadscale 2 (I prefer pulse) and avoid shooting when the spread is too high to hit anything. Many people try to shoot 30 bullet rapid fire while standing at long range, and are all confused when someone has 50% acc.
spread can be countered with proper strafe
False, moving doesn't affect spread in any way.
Moving your mouse does.
u can have a "spreadometer" to see how "stable" u will shoot. Dunno if that was the intention of the meter but it can be used for it. (the faster u turn your mouse the bigger spread/meter turns red etc)
I've been doing both of that and my conclusion was that for me, I could get just above 40-43% acc (yes I'm lowskill :) ) and that was cool.. but I didnt rly do that much dmg.
then I started to go nuts, did alot more dmg but the optimal way that have worked for me is to go nuts when u are in closerange combat but when u try to track long distance etc go for short fast bursts wich will decrease spread and give u alot more dmg but also alot more hs.. hf /noobinator
correspond your sense to player movements:]

its uber.
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