Searching cod2 clan

Adore & kAzuu are looking for a COD2 clan

[center] About us : [/u][/center]

Skill: Arround low+, Just started to play it, We learn fast! ;>
Country: Belgium Belgium OFC
Teamplay: We are both playing togheter since the beginning we met :D
Rest: Clean players (never cheated) Take both of us or take no one, Funny guys, atleast Adore is, kAzuu is more sadpanda :x, Active ( No lifers with hot girlfriends :x)

[center] What we want from you : [/u][/center]

A possible gameserver where we can play on ..
A active clan, We want to get better!
We can offer TS / VENT , if needed

[center] Contact × [/u][/center]

Xfire: Appeltrot ( Adore ) & kAzuu doesn't has xfire but is findable on IRC /q BE|kAzuu
Msn: [email protected] <- Adore | kAzuu -> [email protected]
IRC: Adore: divint`lumi | BE|kAzuu
you should really be considering cod4
cod4 is where its at! gl
Nice to see people going to CoD2, since whiners like you are in that case were they belong, not on CoD4 but on CoD2.
you don't even know me -_-
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