Easr at search


Looking for 6o6 clan

Skill: med(i dont know acutaly but some one sayd just search)
Class: medic/engy smg
Ex clans: u|k, Storm-force(i do not cheat), and #crow.ee
Speak english and estonian

Clan should have server(but not needed just could help little) and ts or vent server( or atleast pw protected channel )
Prac: sunday from friday and untill 2200 cet or 2400 eet
active and takes part in ladders and cups or has plan to do so in sometime
Storm-force(i do not cheat)

i know it's impossible to belive , but it's true
good luck to him then :) im going estonia tomorrow btw :< on my dad's place for couple weeks
i still got the logs..
gl easr.clanless =D
gl pwner
nice guy, friendly and active but aim aint much.
gl easr @#
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