COD4 problem >_<

So I've had COD4 3 days, at the first day the game was working perfectly, but today when I started to play it some things were 100% black. for example: guns, guys, bushes, cars, trees etc. It is really annoying, because "sometimes" you cant see if there is a guy behind a car or proning in a bush or smth like that :p

some screens:
image: shot0000zg7
image: shot0001mw5
image: shot0002vk9

I tried my own config, default config & davy's config, none of these solved this problem :E

system specs:
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3800+
Graphics: GeForce 7600GS 512MB

plz help me out! I'll give you a cookie @ CDC4
id help you out but then i wouldnt get a cookie coz im not going to CDC4 :(

i actually dont know whats wrong :D hope that some1 does
you got the nGr version? :D
guess so :(
I had this shit on Battlefield2 on my old pc , must be some videocard problems.
latest driver fixes this
fpsboost, dont complain!
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