AiZen busted

EDIT : im not in the ban list? :/ Wtf am i getting spammed for then ?
* sol^ sets mode: +b *!*Willemzz@*
* faMousjuh was kicked by sol^ (My channel, my rules)?
The list made my day 8)
Yea, i got proof for it too...
Although you should never believe faMous, because he's a stinking rat... :D

[sarcasm] 'AiZen never cheated =D' [/sarcasm]
famous is on the list himself so np
hij heeft ze wss doorgestuurd naar aizen xD[/dutch]
You'll figure out what it is after your cb ban :D

Welcome to the club, nigger!
AiZen zoiets poste is zielig iedereen zegt wel is cheater tege elkaar als dan iedereen een post moet make dan wordt da hier een spam kot
nice selfbust LOL
"zie ik er mee door de muren? ja! dus is het goed :=D"
"jij bent zo'n lichtblauw ventje"
"ik zit met icebot"
"ik zet mn bot op on-off"
"nu staat ie op 40%"

:x accept your ban
got the screenshots too :) but no demo of him playing with it :(
lolz lowskill journal ;<
you fucking moron, no one thinks you cheat. the fact is you cheatED . you are far to low for cheating.
Ik ga akkoord met fab !
well seems like another aizen is on the unmatched e mail list but its not you, its this guy click
so np for you
je bent low en cheat niet
Aizen hacker :S
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