how much money do you have :>

how much money do you have :> just random question how much money do you har right now.. and i dont mean money that you need to spend on bills but money that you can spend however you want... discuss
around 1 euro max after new year's eve xD
100E about, maybe a bit more, cant remember how much ive spent
like that's any of your business
got like 95 euro i can spend to anything now

considering past hollidays this sucks
~250 €
500 ... :S
835,65 E
At the moment ~1600€ and ~8500€ on another account but i don't have access to it yet
17 ( 21 June 1990 ) :XD
how can some1 have that much money in this young age?
1600€ is summerjob and xmas money and the other account is where my grandparents have deposited money since I was 1 year old.
about 1euro in cash, about 1 000 000$ in sum healing-oriented inherited company
7,30€ + 0,30€ on my bank account.
How can u have 0.30 € only on bank account ?
I cant have less then 5€ on my bank account :o
Here it is easy. All you have to do is study.
m8 u got more than me......
about 520 euros..
~ €1350 ? (no job; saving up skillz)
about £440
eigentlich wollt ich den Führerschein machen aber dafür müsst ich 1500€ ca blechen, wenn nicht sogar mehr :/
wann fängst du an?
wahrscheinlich im Sommer. In den Ferien wenn ich keine Berufschule hab. Da kann ich mich gscheit darauf konzentrieren :p hast du ihn schon?!
1500 € für führerschein ? wo wohnst du ?
also ich habe 1050€ vor 2 /1/2 jahren bezahlt complet mit allem. ist es echt so viel teurer geworden ?
ja, n Kumpel hat sich noch ein paar Extra Fahrstunden geholt. Der hat insgesamt 2000€ bezahlt. Man muss aber auch noch dazurechnen: Laufende Kosten, wie Benzin und Reperatur etc -.-

Ein Auto kommt dir 10 mal teurer als ne Freundin imo...
lol ich hab vor etwa 6 Jahren auch 1500 gezahlt, die Frage ist wo du wohnst? :)
schon etwa 6 jahre lang :p
also ich wohne in baden württenberg, und hier ist es bei weitem nicht so teuer. meine freundin hatt vor kurzem führerschein gemacht und hatt ca. 1100-1200 gezahlt.
ich wie gesagt genau 1050 mit allen.
Ich wohn in Österreich/Wien
none of your fucking business nosey cunt........
Then dont write anything you stupid hooligan
why not?? why the hell should I tell some queen wat I got in my wallet...?
and I'm a hooligan because of my flag???...aye ...
Quotewhy not?? why the hell should I tell some queen wat I got in my wallet...?
and I'm a hooligan because of my flag???...aye ...

exactly, that's why you shouldn't say anything
wanna date ? ill challenge you for a game of ping pong! Lets go to Fishies place, you know the one by the sea?
aye reet thats a date then I guess....:) kinda like those challenges...but best not go there eh?
xD....u know in england the death penalty still exists for piracy?
15 euro on my table, 20 on my bank-account
and 100e for next concerts, festivals, stuff like that...
about 10e in my 'billfold'
hm, as the electricity bill is incoming... nearly none
around 20€
Bank account says 4 €
about 200e + im going to work @ january / february
20K on bank account lol.
1228725 YEN!
and that is 5$ ?
You are incorrect
OMG 6$!!!!?!?!?!?!!??
~ 1222 € on bankaccount 4 everyday ...5000€ on another account :<
mm arround €6000 + 2000 on my bankaccount

but who fucking cares
€10.565,34 + around €800
and yes.. i still have a crappy computer
maybe 100€
to be fair with you guys I have around 450 E
not enough !
i wish i had more.. one day ill be a millionaire and the na billionaire and then a trillionaire or somethng
and then i will take over the world and then the universe and then also parallel universes unless everyone could live peacefully together then I ll just share the universe with everyone... everyone gets his own galaxysystem
and then we just cruise around space in our space ships giving mad props to my peeps
@ home 800 €
@ bank 10 @ or sth :D
@ other bank account over 5000 € :p
over 9000
millions of billions
i have billions of millions!
its the same :p
yes its the same
untill the twelfth im afraid i have an astonishing amount of € 4 on my bank account and 0 in my wallet :P

and from the 450 wages that i get on the twelfth i've already spend at least 120 :X gG
May I remind you of something. :p
some.. wont tell =(
round £350
yesterday i won 2mill$ @ the lottery.
and youre still at the pc :(
After new year? Don't even want to know. :)
got ~£500 at the moment, another £450 on the way soon
they pay bin men far to much...........
i least i work for it rather than nabbing it off the jews you bloody nazi
lol m8 im chuckling at that answer........xDDDD <3
purse: 27,85
bank1: 15
bank2: 1600
bank2: 2900 (but I can only acces this account when I'm 21, 9 months and 27 days left)
max 5e in my wallet, a bit more in my bank account
if im honest, about £700 000 gbp
checked balance:

£701 492. 49
sure xD

or maybe you are a rich bitch!
more than you without a doubt
146400Euro becaus my father gived it for my hollidays
I have 2 bank accounts with a lot of money , dont know how much atm , but I hve 400e in cash now ^^

(No I havent worked yet...)
252€ @ desk!
mm maybe 5 euros. payday in monday :C
and need to pay about 1000 in next month plus maybe 4000 in loans.
-300e. how about that :x
12.000+ &#8364;
1000 CHF (1600e) on my bancaccount and i need to pay my whole driverslicense shit wth that.
1000 CHF = 610 € ..
About 600 to my name.

And ive worked 5 years!
werk al anderhalf jaar dusja ;)
are we talking bank accounts or do we include other investments?
everything mike
10000 euros !

my mom says that it is monopoly money but I don't believe it
about 1500€, no sch00l, no work = win
i agreee.. parents rule
sry, forgot to add parets too.
50 zl::::::::DDDDDDDDDD
10,75&#8364; in cash, 18,37&#8364; in account. Gonna get 181,88&#8364; from social bureau in few weeks \o/
social bureaus rule
I never realised that the avg xfire user is poor :O

(except nVc who is quite rich)
this thread provides useful statistical information save it
~~250 euro @ table
~~850 euro @ bank account
pokaz ss xD
image: kopia1zdjcie6ax4

na bank mi sie nie chce logowac
Zabrales tyle kasy z pokoju rodzicow? ^^
stypendium + troche z czech zostalo (co miesiac 300zl wplywa za nic to sie nie dziw)
oO za nic? xD
robienie lodow to tez cos :D
haha waniliowo smietankowe? XD
x:D tyle kasy, kup klanowi bimbota xD
20 € atm
and something like € 1700 from some family problems :D
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