is it possible with: intel p4 3.24 ghz, 2GB ram, nvidia GeForce 7600 gs from

gigabyte and 15,000 kbits connection. to have stable 125 fps???

if u know how send me this settings pls.

greets rapeout
guess so
sure it is. get some high fps config.
i tried much cfgs but theres no 1 gives me 125 stable :(
and you don't get stable 125 with it? :O

try my cfg ->
k i will try xD
i got stable 125 on some maps with my:
athlon xp 2500, radeon 9200, 1 gb ram and polish connection.
omg then whats wrong with my computer`!?!
powerstrip + config
whats powerstrip?
check for anything taking up your CPU-time in the task-manager. you should be able to easily get 125 fps stable with that machine
Your english makes me crazy
optimize your windows
Download Smartclose
mainboard drivers... gfx drivers
Tuneup Utillities
I cant get a very stable 90 fps with my totaly stable comp it realy pisses me off i have like 25 processes running, none of which are spyware/viruses.

image: lawley
ET is an old game , but fuck it requiers quite good pc to have a stable 125 fps everywhere :/
was it like that before you oc'd?
u have overclocked? i think u fucked it up :<
Overclock = lag ingame , at least if you go to far
@lawley. I have the same problem,ET was made solely for single core,not dual core,i got a new dual core pc about a month ago and get 60FPS:/ .Try settin Et to run on 1 cpu.
get latest drivers and try to find the trojans and worms in your pc. that will probably be the solution here
ET uses old 3D rendering.. So older VGA's may turn out to be better for et.

i.e I use FX5200 with 125FPS my friend has 1 hell of a vga has same 125 but not cons... (WITH SAME CFG)

New VGA's may be crappy for et...

If you play modern games like: Cod 4 they would rock on your pc... but not on mine xD :)
do you mean scan?
uhm, have a look at the nvidia driver. Maybe theres screen sync enabled?
Ah yes. Make sure you have the command: "Sync Every Frame: No"
Found in: Options > System.

Screenshots uploaded for help to.

image: 6ujqh3q
what does this do and what's the cvar for it?

seems my config wants to have it on
It basically locks your FPS to your refresh rate, don't know cVar though.
I was searching for some information of this Sync Every Frame. There is written that ET takes a screen shot of every frame.
I think it makes sense because when this command is on you'd have alot of FPS lag. And I was testing it, it shows that when you are playing in darker places in a map, e.g Braundorf - Bunker, it would FPS Lag Less than e.g Braundorf - Main Gate, because the darker the screen is the less space it requires.

But, the question is:
Where do these screen shots go?
Do u know if it's somehow PB oriented? Does this happen on non-pb servers as well? Just wondering if it has anything to do with ss sent to pb...

Anyway, I found out the cvar is r_finish (thx fuz) and I'll try to put it on 0, because it might help with my fps lags. I got a cutting edge PC for ET and still I suffer from great fps lags every now and then. Hopefully this is the solution :)
Actually no, it has nothing to do with PB SS. I used it on: /devmap braundorf_b4; PB is disabled when running on devmap.

I still wonder where could they go. I don't think they would go to a server folder.

Because it makes no sens, how much SS's can a server hold? Mostly if running on small Hardisks.
What about the cheat logs that server have? At least that is based on some graphical info and not pb related. I once wondered how it works, maybe this is the solution. Cheat log is a text file where gets collected info about players that the server think got some strange settings or something weird on...
wtf its pretty easy 2 get stable 125 with it XD

/exec pollo or whatever even with a moviecfg you should get 125
i have a way better pc, pretty virus free and im getting 40-60fps at gr bank... so if its that easy, plz enlighten me :/
:oooo crook still alive?
:D ofc, what made u think otherwise? :))
i havent read or spoken you for a long time
hehe, what have u been up to!?
nothing much,wasnt playing the last time :S
and you?
college n stuff :(
Exams coming up now, wish me luck!
i do wish you luck,i have to study atm too :<
gl to u aswell then :)
format C should help oO

wtf its not rly hard to get 125 fps. im playing with config in HD n stuff highquality etc but still 125 fps = np4me

but im not sure how i could help you im not rly good @ such things sry X)
Disable anti-analising ?
helps only abit
Defrag harddrive , I use JKDefrag 3.33

And you still might have a trojan

I had some terrible fpslag last week , 3 days ago , I had 5 antivirus updates and then I scanned and it found a trojan , now I deleted it I have 50-60 FPS outside on most maps and 76 stable inside

Only Goldrush , Bremen and Radar give me 40 or something

Oh and my gfx card is Intel Integrated Mobile Media Accelerator 950

400 Mhz core and memory clock
i do regular scans though, but ill try again :)

So do I , but this trojan was a .swf file in my temporary internet files

And after updates you might find something

With the trojan I had unstable FPS and ping

Also defrag your harddrive if you havent done so

If its nearly full start deleting some files you dont need anymore
you need a modem to get 126 fps
got same comp
got same prob
@fLUSHjE and lawley
i had the same prob with my amd dual core. try the tool nHancer (google it), there you can set the option that you can play et with only one cpu, and much more like lodbias, anisoptric filtering and so on...

for me the prob is solved and i get stable 125 fps.

sry for bad english

btw guys... com_maxfps "100" > com_maxfps "125" > com_maxfps "76". Download another registry cleaner, download another antywirus... disable all antyalasing etc, set windows to high performance.. Defragmenting partition wheres installed ur ET.. ;o thats all
With my P4 HT 3.0Ghz, 1GB RAM and 7600GS I couldn't get 125 either, I could get 76 constant. :<
125stable at any map.
i supose you have newest drivers for all your hw , so defrag pc , check for viruses , clean registry and other shits , and end useless procesess , it it wont help complete format , or also you should check your config , some badly setted cvars can do really shits , or try linux , there you get much more then only 125 fps :o
some parts of grush and radar i get 11 fps, but since i dont know shit about pc's i dont try to change it cuz im scared to fuck everything up.. oh well..
Try and set your ET settings the same as my settings in the screen shot above. If the same /q Chav3z on Qnet. I may help you out... If you want i can send you my cfg.
i think if you aint already solved you problem use my gfx settings go to >>! and use my render settings gl
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