bullvox @ CDC4

Yes since pingpong has folded this skilled player is searching for a skilled LAN team. Yes, he only is in search of a good LAN team to go to CDC4, so no need for online only teams.

If you think: yet another noname: you are wrong!
He can offer you:

- skilled engineer (rifle)
- friendly person
- comms
- Netherlands
- he will pay the trip himself
- he will pay a hotelroom for himself
- he has much experience, and is lan proven!
- he has attended CDC's: he attended CPC2 as a player, and CDC 3 as well.
- clan info: http://new.crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=557 (check his profile)
- he's in the game for quite some time, and is feared by many other players in the highskilled circles!
- image: cup_gold he has no problems with setting up his pc at the LAN, since he was the fastest one to set up his computer at CPC2!

What he wants from you:

- to attend CDC4
- Be a team which has players that are sure to be on the lan!
- no need for sponsors, his manager is covering all the costs!
- skilled
- being friendly, so he can have a chat after all the hard battles!

For futher info about him: either contact me (Koe) or the man himself via irc (you can find the both of us on #clanbase.et, or you can just pm us here on xfire!

Thanks in advance!

gl skilled and br33z4h person!
gl bullvox
gl koe
look who's talking
haha truth hurts
succes bullemans ;)
Jajajaa koe jaaajaaa
jij leest teveel cf!
make post for me :D
gl oude pwner :PP
Helloooo :D:D:D:D::::::::::::DDDDDDDDD
is this the agency for making clesstopics?
i call you telephony later bibuy.
gl hoop da je meer succes hebt dan mij xD
oh boy another med+ random :o)
gl, nice player
where is this skilled player? :o
gl laughing boy :)
nice guy, gl m8
zomg pimmy ;X
offline only, YEA RIGHT
bump for Bullvox, good dude and you can steal the sexeh hat he won at CPC2!
Koe do you pay for bullvox?
gl bullvox!
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