illumise @ CDC4

Since this is getting a habit, i'm writing you once more a recruitement thread for a skilled player. He isn't a real oldskooler, though he is far from new school!
Many opponents have ragequitted against him since his aim is superb, and his brain is capable of being a step ahead on his enemy's. Though many people are unsure about his actual skills, that is why he is now willing to show them to you all on a LAN PARTY (named cdc4 :o).

What he can offer you is:

- He is from the Netherlands Netherlands
- He only lives a 1-hour drive away from Enschede so he is sure to come
- He will pay the costs himself
- He is up to show you all that he can compete as skilled player offline aswell
- He is sun - thursday avi
- He owns a stable and deadly aim (he will proove it to you both offline as online)

What he wants from you is simple:

- He wants a team only to play
- He wants a team which is sure to go
- The skill-level isn't an issue, he is there to proove himself anyway!

If you are interested in him, you just contact illumise at or #crossfire or just pm here on crossfire!

Thanks in advance!
ty Koe ^^
hahaha, koe nieuwe job gevonden? GL illumise :)
ik ga geld beginne vragen
but u can do my recruitement post for free right ^^
men pa zoekt clan, low---
Wordt geowned op pubs, gemiddeld 20 acc me de panzer!

QuoteMany opponents have ragequitted against him since his aim is superb, and his brain is capable of being a step ahead on his enemy's.

haha :P GL illu :)
maybe little bit overcompliented in this post but he is still skilled

dada :D
<3 :XDDDDD Give me your bind of :XD :XD :XD ^^
Member For: 3 years and 0 days

lol gratz

1 year 0 days here ^^
lolol =D
well gl! deadly aim lold
havent seen his deadly aim online...
You and mr piano gay miTTi also never played me lately
I did, you sucked. Even ovie is better than you with smg.
Are you ensam the gay who accused me with Mr mind
what did he say aaa wait i remember learntohideit.avi
Love you to
are you illumise the gay who actually thought we were serious?
why would we accuse someone who couldnt even get the flag? :DDD
Love you too
If you think me chizz6l and hit ever play serious you rlly need to meet them on ventrillo. Play serious is only in offi's ciao love you anyway !
i can only imagine how much fun it is in your ventrilo
it actually is
thats why they got hacks? never play serious, hacking is ok.

how does it feel them lying to you? I mean, ofcourse you would not play with them if you knew they hacked?
i don't want to support cheaters by any means, stupid hackers, though chizzel and hit are two of the most fat but funny guys i've ever heard in my whole life on ventrilo!
You didn't play your offi vs #palikka seriously either 8]
even then they dont play serious ^^ btw gl !!
ensam accuses every1.. so :D
btw i'm avi to cdc too
1) got better beerskill than illumise
2) got better vodkaskill than illumise
3) got better sleepskill than illumise
U r from russia so your Vodka drinking skills must be way better than he´s!!
allways plays with hackers..
that's why you guys ragedquitted against us :(
1) I never egoquit only vs fifu or what ever his name was
2) Who the hell are you :D ?
nobody but anyway gl :)
gogo cache
Many opponents have ragequitted against him since his aim is superb, and his brain is capable of being a step ahead on his enemy's. his teammates' aimb0t settings are so fucking ridiculous there's no point in playing vs them.

gl n' stuff
nah, their aimbot settings are ok, they just cant hide wallhackz
Circus' settings are nothing like ok
i meant hit and chizzel... illumise is wallhaxor too, but since youve been talking about his mates...
last times I played him, he has been playing with phunk & Circus
ye, thats the same garbage :)
its here...and his brain is like 1 m in front of me...awesome skill
gl :>
GL! Hoping you'll get teammates even more skilled than me! :O
omg n00b get clan!

overrated, consired good because of his hacking teammates.

tho, If any team wants to take you, good luck and pwn em all!

sincerely, chmpp
Why you think I want CDC ??
Most of time i got more hs + damage then my "hacker" friends. But i know what you mean and i just wanne play at CDC

gl iLLuMiSe
Good luck, cool guy.. though he should be questioning himself why he is nearly always playing with hackers? :\
gl noob
Maybe you can learn me how to whine you always do it vs me =(
or maybe he should TEACH you to spot irony
:XD Didnt knew that irony was whining a whole war and whining a second war again
why would we call you a cheater when we're winning?
You shouldnt ask me that... But lets quit with all those discusion's getting bored of it. Ciao and <3
gl, best aimer I met so far (and I have met a lot)
obviously not
/still looking forward to seeing a last min cancel.
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