if some team is still in need of player(s) I am ready, I dont care about the skill of the team . I can pay myself, here are the infos:

pmme here or danii @ qnet, you will catch me faster here

ps. Now when the almight MASCULINE_MANS(cheaters) said that I am Allu, most likely you all like me to come to lan to proof that I am not allu, I do not even look any like him, propably you all want to pay my trip too already 8)
yeye the thousands time now, its ok now
gl suomipoika, puske puske !
unstable man

first he joins our channel and asks if we will attend cdc. so, we made a cdc lineup which also included him. and then he just parted our channel without saying anything. weird guy, dont trust him.

ps: he is allu, he even admitted it at #masculine_mans and told us to not tell anyone >:D
are u with any stable proves (irc logs dont count) like ip references or nick changes, guides?
ip's are work of evil and cant be trusted
Everybody in finnish et-scene knows that dani is Allu.
Maybe there aren't any kind of ip-proofs , but experience trough ventrilo and irc are overhelming.
Everybody and I mean everybody in finnish scene knows the fact that dani=allu
I can confirm this.
can I get cheats for NC pls?
it's nice that all fins know about it, but can't u get an old IP from allu and him and compare the location or subnet for example? Its not possible to ban anyone on community knowledge only :p
gl allu
gl allu
He is the notorious cheater Allu.
Don't take him to any team because he is a busted cheater.
soon he will try to convince that he isnt allu. but it's him, dont believe his lies (which movie btw?)
ei se voi olla allu:o
siis soot homin
your yawn is quite new.
you try too hard to prove you're not this notorious cheater... busted!
gl dan !
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