LF ET clan

Well, I'm looking for a clan to have fun, and play a lot of wars.
Not just a clan, but a clan with teamplay and skilled members who know what they're doing

Some information about me:
Age: 16
Skill: med-
Languages: Dutch & English
Class: Medic or CovOps, trying to get some Fops skills too
I've got a clear yawn
And I don't whine or behave like a kid

So if u think u have a nice and active clan, contact me!
My xfire is: Rody1991
why an irish flag?
cus we all love IRELAND!111!1
No offend, Rody from Genius gaming, Oh here is my comment :

When i played ET for 1 month, i was low- MAX, I owned u in a 1o1, U botherd to kick me of the server, U searched low on irc, and you lost, You searched low again, You lost again, I lollde @ med-, U are something we call, low/+, More fake please..

Even now, I'm low+, And i still own u -_-'
maybe he improved ! :XD
"Even now", I iz low+

Me >> Rody, i dunt think he iz med- :O
Maybe you failed!
FAILED!?, We played 6on6 a little while ago on ETTV against him

I was rifle, he DIDN'T even GOT a chance against me , 39/4 NP4KAZUU :>
lol Kazuu, please
I was not even there when that match was played! That was a match which I was supposed to play, yes but I told my clanleader a week in advance that I couldn't be there and he arranged a substitute for me. I saw the match later, in one of the demo's and I am sure that there was nobody playing with my name so I don't get why u think u played vs me...
:O, my mistake then

Lol, genius was the time when I played my first wars. It was definitly not a succesfull time, but I learned a lot since then. There can change a lot in 1/2 or 1 year you know. I am much more experienced now, than the time I was exploring the maps xD. So please, don't judge me before you see me play now.

I hope there'll be a clan who want to see me play at this time and then tell me what they think.
I don't want to sound offending, But trust me man, Start off with low+, I owned ur ass on ettv :/, and so did the other 1's ;<, Atleast ur a mature player willing to know and learn more about the game, Thats 1 good thing ;>

EDIT: Its barley 2 weeks ago that i played a mix vs seriouZ gaming , While u were playing , it was a low/- mix, With zivvic and vap, and we still owned u guys ;<
Thnx for ur opinion, but I rather leave the decision about my skill to 'the clan'.

seriouZ was a nice clan, but when playing just irc scrims we were often laughing too much.
med - = wannabe med = low +
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