ETACE team recruiting a developer(s)

ETACE anticheat is nearly finished and we are hoping to get the first public build with anticheat released some time soon. ('soon' in this case doesen't mean 1 week, but soon)

But since most of developers went inactive, only me and quad are left, and we both are working on the anticheat, we are in need of one or two developers who would code whatever else needs to be done (gameplay related stuff).

- C/C++ knowledge
- be a dedicated programmer, do not leave us after 2 days
- knowledge of ET SDK and its data structure
- experience in working team projects with SVN

If you lack any of the last 2 skills from the list and still want to help, do not hesitate applying. We can still have you on our 'backup list'.

If you're interested, send an application to: [email protected]

gl guys
i fit 2 and 4 but not 1 and 3 only a littlebit

i am sad panda now :(
ask panse

he is rly kind, im 100% sure he will help!
Just want to say gl, hope you make it work :>
gl with it
MigrosBudget lol
MBudget is their minister of propaganda and has nothing to do with the coding part, neither is able to code. ;)
where do u know it from? aha! bustedz!
I know him quite good. ^^
we should start calling him Joseph Goebbels!!

rly nice what u guys are doing.. I cant wait! =)
Great work, guys! I hope you are able to make the gameplay playable, although it's etpub based. It could give ET another boost.
also same hitboxes? :<
I don't know. :/ But I am sure they coded it different.
ask hannes, if he has time.
he's a great coder!
if you need anyone w/o coding knowledge (i can code easy html :p), feel free to /q Puubuu @ #Puubuu :)

still alive? :)
if the ending result will be like etpub gtfo
watch out chapla

this is a chance for netcoders to get in the project:)
don't worry :)
the developers we are looking for do not get access to anticheat code

p.s. yes, they did try to get into the project. person named 'inspire' pretended to be a punkbuster developer who is willing to help :D he failed though :p

gl in further progress
too bad it wasnt started 2 years ago, but still i wish you the best for your project and i hope i ll be able to play on cheaters free publics when ET will be almost dead :)
nice news, also hope that etace will feel nearby like etpro!
Good Luck Chap!
gl, nice to see that you're still working on it!
I don't wanna break the dream but if you read on netcoders site -> etbot you can see ET ACE proof.
... i refuse to explain again and again, hopefully someone else will
et ace anticheat isnt even ready yet so it basicly means it's etpub proof
Do you live in a cave sir?
I just say that coders will always find a way, they got undected hax for every game, you rly think ET ACE will stop them.
Imo ETACE's biggest anti-cheat tool will be if the so-called paid e-mail account will be forced to play in leagues. If so - a ban on a hacker would be actually a problem for him to play in offis.

Ofc things included similar to punkbuster would be hacked sooner or later.
no, it won't work that way.. it will be a normal mod, you won't be forced to register anywhere to play with it
Awgh fuck that's actually bad news imo :/ If you could only make Clanbase, ESL and others to force registering it would be a great pain in the cheater's ass.
we will try to make it a great pain in the ass by our ways :P
Hehe I hope so - good luck and keep up the good work!
of course they will! we _never_ claimed that etace will stop everyone from making cheats, but i guarantee that 90% of people doing hacks for ET these days (you know, netcoders is not the only cheating site out there) will not be able to do it anymore because it won't be as easy as making it for etmain, etpub, jaymod, etpro or any other mod out there atm

furthermore, we have plans to provide a cheat-free environment to anyone who decides to use our mod, even if nC make their bots compatible with etace, but more about it when we get closer to release date
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