
Erm yeah im looking for a clan, again.

Dunno what skill I am as i've just come back from like 6 months of inactivity. I'll let you be the judge.

Would like to play rifle or fops.

If anyones interested and wants some more info then gimme a shout on irc. /q apple


Edit: Realised this is in the wrong forum, dunno if an admin could move it.
Gl apple =] still on wow mate?
Erm ye, stopped playing it loads though. Doing some arena and the occasional battleground now and then but that's about it. What about you? :o
hmm gunna startup on cod4 again. will start wow again when the expansion is out, u playing cod4?
Yeah playing wow/cod4 and ET atm :)
gl m8! :)

still got the bind ^vRAZE IS GOD at my cfg.
Where is that bind from lol? :o How old is that ;D
its from somewhere around 2004-2005<3 :D
u helped me to create my first cfg :))
first thing what i have wrote to .cfg file is that bind<3
i will never delete it :)
gl hf

btw let's form 2v2 team lols
fu i thought you where the dutch appel
gL 2 u mr.apples!!!

Make sure your internet don't crash ahead of important games!
gief clan!!!
Mature comment from frenky. Expected.
i just dont like you , you and raged fooled me and i dont like that. now i will gtfo from your thread bibuy
i like apples

gl :)
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