public stopwatch server

Hello all, i'd never present to you our public server before, so i've come to tell you about it now... ^^

As you can see in, this server is already ranked (online since 9/10 months)

Wolrd Mod Rank

QuoteGeographical Rank (country rank)
#1 / 106 servers

Modification Rank (stopwatch)
#7 / 1019 servers

Global Game Rank (global world rank)
#19 / 3924 servers

More informations about the server :

- name : #split >> Public SW'
- ip : Europe
- mod : etpro 3.2.6
- gametype : stopwatch
- rules : spawnkill & selfkill allowed / objectives : disabled
- maps : (auto rotation)
* supply
* bremen_b2
* braundorf_b4
* sw_goldrush_te
* adlernest
* frostbite

hoping to see you there shortly ! GL & HF

contact : #split @ QuaKeNet
or soon : (new website under construction atm :p)
Cybergames > you
cybergames are very active for sure ^^ np 4 us ! don't let ET die btw :p
nice server .

gl yoking
add karsiah & radar 2 map rotation and im there!
cybergames > all
what bout et_ice? battery?
et needs more servers, where players actually do the objective (and have the ability to aim and think)
thank you for finally noticing
agree nocti
you got low- replyskillZ!
np, then it´s similar to my gameskillz xD
personally I think your server is a contradiction!

Quotegametype : stopwatch

Quoteobjectives : disabled

I mean what is the point!?

Either allow objectives+stopwatch
XPsave + 1hr time limit + no objective kill arena!
stopwatch allow to play one time axis & one time allies andyF1
I think he didnt know the definition yet ..
Yes I do know what Stopwatch mode is do you?

Stopwatch mode =

Round 1 - attack and try and set the fastest time possible.

Round 2 - Try to defend for at least the length of time you set in rnd 1.

Obviously these are Dependant on which team you join BUT by definition STOPWATCH means your playing against the clock trying to complete objectives!

That is why I made my statement saying your just creating a Medic-whore frag arena!
thats what ppl want
we said blabla obj on at the begining and we were the only one playing it :p (so obj off is the best way for us :p)
well if thats what ppl want then thats what they get.

Just not MY idea of a Stopwatch server!

Also maybe it's just the wrong ppl that want no objectives?
old et merc fr server, suck00rzzzzzzZZzz :D
I'm tired of the 100ping Cybergames (even 160 lately, my ISP doesn' like italy I guess), and I would like to play something else than braun and supply on pub.

If this server gets popular, I'll sure join.
But I won't join if there is like 1/18 there..

Allow objective please, don't make it a fragarea, that's why we got Cybergames.
we allowed it and anyone was playing obj :p, we finally decided to disable them because we were alone, doing them..

I'm going back : 13h00 CET hoping to see you there this afternoon :p
You were alone because all the players playing there was lowskillers.
Try aiming for the more skilled people in the community, and be the new *BiO*! =D

When I don't play 3on3s today, I'll sure check my All-Seeing Eye, and if your server has people, I'll join.
So hopefully; See you. ;)
i will come by sometime
nice 1 :)
make it new obj server.
serverspy's rank sux, becuase its propably generating by the number of nicks not the real number of players so some primitive servers are in top also (not talking about your coz i dnt know, just generally). Allowing to change the nicks more than 3 times per 15 minutes is sick and helping the cheater to stay on the server for a long time, thats why i changed it on our servers and propably its a reason that one of them are under your ;p: SW

gl anyway, some day i will post about our servers coz it will take me some time to describe all settings and mods ^^

QuoteThere have been 1872 unique players with
1574 hours played over the past 7 days!

C'est bien de faire ça Yoking tu aide bien la comm fr/eu , je join ton serv (sous un fake ofc aprés tout les fans me pm) plus tard. J'espere qu'il vas bien marcher et si tu veut faire de "Split " un grand serveur , dit aux gens de parler Anglais et plus Francais.

gl poto
- gametype : stopwatch
- rules : objectives : disabled

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