inv 3o3 OnEdAy cup is making another edition of 3o3 cup

Page :[id]=30&action=details
Format : 3on3
16 teams
Start : 16.00 CET

/!\ U HAVE TO RECORD A DEMO /!\ \ Q inv`ataline
I wonder why Aristo is allowed to play and other cb banned guys arent.
Well, Its fun to play with him and he's unbanned in 2 weeks :P + I wonder why you guys always leave when you are playing vs us ( even when we are playing without c0bra )
yesterday you won with 6-2 against us :DD that's time to leave imo! and the times before when I played with my fucking pro teammates you always lost so yeah no competion
Im not talking about yesterday and Im also not talking about your ego. I meant the wars of the past weeks.
then you are lieing.. I only lost 1 war against you... the others that we've played, I always won them :DD
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need another one tomorrow make one plz!
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