Guess What ?

I'm still cless ...

... i'm looking for a med/med + really active clan, really TP, no kid, no whine...

I play since 2005, i'm med skill and i can speak english/french np for me =)

My old teams are French one such as ts,pZ,uG and lots of 2weeks

you can /q me on #clanless-et for more infos

++++ all and thanks for reading mt post
Goodluck Coz ;) Nice player
gl nice player
low+ max & already busted.

yeah i must admit i dl a 3 hs bot for etmain without PB that i try to use on ETpro with PB after playing 6 month ET ( 2 years ago ) i got loliloled busted without knowing et-fr / yawn / and stuff ( if i even know that bastard like u will never stop to flamme me i wont did that , for me it was just like the god mode in GTA :'( without any "damage" )

lot of ppl can confirm that it was just a stupid big mistake and that im so clean now
med+ = overrated
but he is a nice guy take him
french people can't speak english imo:p
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