SLI question

How much do you really gain from a SLI setup? I've heard it's just a 10% gain compared to only one gfx card. Anyone with experience who can enlighten me?
yeah sorta
EDIT: but then again 1 gfx could be handling AA + AF and the other the main graphics so you could play with a supersexy game with the same fps as one card
It's not just 10%. Whoever told you that bullshit is a moron.

Wether an SLI setup will be effective depends on more than one thing.

The game itself and wether it's GPU intensive.
Wether your CPU can keep up with having two GPU's.
The resolution you want to play on.
Wether you want to use AA+AF and such.

Just google a couple reviews on it, and you'll find more info than anyone here can tell you.
its only gain if you play @ high res and all filtering on
Yeah, i just read a pretty big test of my desired card in both normal configuration and SLI on guru3d, and the difference is pretty big when the resolution gets higher, often close to double fps. Plus they said that a cpu bottleneck prevented them from utilizing the full SLI potential :)
for ET u don't gain much, but for games that use relatively more GPU u can achieve 50% or even more with AA, AF, high res etc.
im building SLI system this week yoo.
u guy got to much money :o
That's like shouting "I'm a stupid douche" on the street.
Surely its pointless, cos by the time they actually make a game that will use both to the full the cards will be out of date!
What you said isnt pointless , it means that with older cards you can still keep up with the newest games ..
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