Need 4o4 clan

Hi everybody! :)

Information about me:

- I am played 3 years ET

- Skill med-/med

- Age 14

- Class: Engi smg and medic smg.

- I speak english...


Xfire: Lanux11
lol 4on4 :P u mean 3on3 maybe?

anyway gL
- I am played 3 years ET

- Skill med-/med

- Age 14

- Class: Engi smg and medic smg.

- I speak english...

4v4 :XD i am played :XD
Age: 13 ( 28 September 1994 )

Are there more things you dont want to tell us?
if not 4o4 then 3o3. What i should tell you?
- Skill med-/med
grow up kiddie
im 14 also :|.......
haha, made my day xDD
looool 4v4 clan
good joke
" - I am played 3 years ET

- Skill med-/med

- Age 14

Age: 13 ( 28 September 1994 ) "

fo sho, kiddie..GTFO
hihi XD
nice english skillz
;P i think that i come back than i am 15 xD i am too kid :(
lol your not med low max you play .55 :x and you suck :x
Vap lol :) i play 2.6b every day. I play 2.55 with my clan. And i am better than you. Do u want 1o1? Noob
low in ET and in English,

pls learn to reply, learn english and accept you are low and not med :X

do you actually know the rules in 2.60b?
Nice reply skillz
k lanux come
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