StorN - looking for 6on6 team


I'm still looking for a proper team with stable line up, team history, mature, dedicated and ambitious players.
I'd prefer to play 4 times a week - sunday - thursday.
I'm 19 yo, have been playing ET for about 4 years, med skilled.
If u're a clan leader of the 2 weeks clan pls don't contact me, I'm sick of such teams.
My yawn is clear. My ex clans aren't well known on ET scene, they're more known on polish scene. I'd like to contradict that every polish player is a brainless lagger.

I believe that your offer will be the one. For further questions contact me via msg box or via xfire: stornik or /q StorN @ qnet.
oh really? i wouldnt be so sure!

» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.
gl , mq powah
nice , but low + , anywayz GL
at least u r high
ego is strong in you, young padawan
I don't get u Maliczik, we have never played together, even against eachother so please keep your comments for yourself
actually we did storn :)
nice guy, gl
gl storn
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