www.pbbans.com down?

discuss + flame

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1000$ to anyone who can provide infoz
Give it back OR somethink to ban retarded COD4 cheaters
1000$ to anyone who can provide infoz
yawn too?!?!??!
It's down cuz netcoders hacked it. Can I has my 1000 € now?
January 22, 2008
On January 21, 2008 a massive DDoS attack was directed at our main web server. It overloaded a primary internet backbone router that connects the datacenter to the internet backbone and affected potentially thousands of other sites in the process. The authorities have been notified about the attack.

Currently all PBBans services are offline and there is no ETA on when they will be restored. Please bare with us as we work to restore service.

Should you need to contact us we can be found on IRC at #pbbans on quakenet. We are currently looking for a new provider if you know some or are interested please contact RodeoBob at pbbans(at)hotmail(dot)com.

All progress updates will be posted here as soon as they are made available. We thank you for your patience in this matter.

Data are secure. Coming back soon. STREAM TO PSB!
DDos on PsB, DDos on yawn?, DDos on pbbans, Wtf is going on? Of course CF wasnt hacked just some random cheater customer of nC, so not connected to nC (!?!) logged with admin level just to edit some stuff? Nice...
It's definitely true.
smth is going on but the info isnt 4 everyone :<

btw thought u r sleeping ^^, im going now, gn ;)
I know it for sure, that the yawn/crossfire thing wasn't done by any nc member and I also think you are falling for their lies. Maybe something is going on, but it has nothing to do with those wannabes.
Yeah, I know everything about the yawn/crossfire-case, and I will reapeat once again that no nC-crew had anything to do with it, and that the hacker didn't do it with nC in mind at all, but rather the Norwegian ET-community (that hated him, and now hate him more).
So that basically means that everyone who got caught by pb yesterday for hax, wont show up on pbbans.com?
Yes. :( That's the shit.
1 million dollars for infos!!!

image: 390~Mini-Me-Goldmember-Posters
hopefully they wont lose any data :(
hehe... very accurate pic :)
All ddos kiddies are invited to suck my fat hairy balls.
netcoders serious business
image: img_85154c5a90d03c3165c4c00d36bfd502
cheaters will always win!
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